Vischer, Wilhelm: Everywhere the Scripture is about Christ alone, 1963


Vischer-Stähelin, Wilhelm Eduard: Everywhere the Scripture is about Christ alone, in: Anderson, Bernhard W. (Hg.): The Old Testament and Christian Faith. A Theological Discussion, New York 11963, S. 90–101.


Vischer-Stähelin, Wilhelm Eduard: Everywhere the Scripture is about Christ alone, in: Anderson, Bernhard W. (Hg.): The Old Testament and Christian Faith. A Theological Discussion, New York 11963, S. 90–101.


File Name: Vischer W., Everywhere Scripture is about Christ, 1963.pdf
File Size: 1.59 MB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 2221 Hits
Created Date: 04-25-2016
Last Updated Date: 04-25-2016